Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sickness, Ebay Selling, and Sunburns

This is one of Johnny's 3 day weekends and since his overtime has been cut (or at least him volunteering to work his off days), he has been here with us more - which I must say is nice! We spent all day yesterday outside, cooking out, and eating ice cream. I came up with the idea of pushing the kids swing set up to their kiddie pool so they could slide down into the pool and yes, I coated the slide with dishwashing liquid, and yes I joined in on this fun. That night we sat around the fire pit roasting marshmellows, and by the time we went in the kids were out.

The bad news is, I woke up this morning with a bad sunburn on my back, and feeling terrible. I have been so determined to get back into church that I decided I wasn't going to let this get me down -- but since Memphis has had stomach issues all weekend, I decided for Miley and I to go alone while Johnny stayed home with the boys. I get to church to find out the preacher is out sick too (whom when I emailed her later told me she was feeling queasy herself) and halfway through the sermon I just gave up and left because I felt that bad. So I came home got in the bed and took a long nap with the princess who now also doesn't seem to feel to well.

For some reason when I awoke I decided that I have so much stuff around here these kids or me can't use anymore that we might as well make some money off of them, so I listed a few things on eBay. We shall see what happens!

I'm pretty excited about the upcoming week/weekend - not just because it's mothers day, but because I have a couple of plans in the week (one is a surprise) and the other thing I have going on I hope will turn into something great for me. So keep your fingers crossed and pray that everything I'm hoping for will happen this week!!!

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