Friday, August 31, 2012

Cutest little bulldog EVER

Some shots with Miley. I know one is not MSU themed but it was too cute not share. I do have some pictures of the boys, but it's 2 AM and I figure I might actually need to go to sleep now. I'll post more pics over the weekend.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

With this ring

Four years ago today, I married the love of my life. Ten years this November, I started dating him. It only took him 3 attempts at marrying me before I decided to go for it. Needless to say he's a keeper.

The first time I met my husband I thought he was stuck up. He drove a sportscar, was known as a football star in highschool and word around campus was he was a "bad boy." Ironically, he thought I was stuck up and rude.

I'm not really sure at what point we actually fell for each other, but I do remember sitting in the library at MCC one day and him deciding to sit with me. At that point we began to talk to each other and on November 26 2002 we went out on our first offical date. The rest is history and we've never looked back.

The last 4 years have been filled with laughter, joy, tears, fear, sorrow, sadness, darkness and light. Johnny is truly my best friend, my biggest supporter and my cheerleader. He's given me 3 beautiful children, stood by my side through 2 cancer scares, a miscarriage, job loss and financial strain. Many hours he's spent laughing with me, sat by a fire four hours on end talking about nothing, held me close late into the night hours when my whole world was falling apart, pushed me to achieve the unimagineable, been the best father to our children and has always, always had my back no matter what the circumstance.

Last year, when he lost his job and we were strapped for money, I pawned my wedding rings to buy groceries and diapers to feed our kids. It killed me on the inside but I had no other choice. I've worn fake rings in it's place since.

Friday morning as I was finishing my weekly reports for my UM, Johnny called me and told me to come downstairs because he had an anniversary present for me. To my surprise, he had purchased a new diamond band for me.

I am so grateful for Johnny. He really is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him. I am blessed beyond meausre to have made it through the last year and a half and thankful that I had him there with me every step of the way.

Monday, August 20, 2012


My life has been super busy lately. In between having a kindergartener, being supermom (and wife), and rocking my job, I really haven't had much time for blogging till now.  For that reason this blog is nothing more than a compiled list of totally random thoughts and happenings of my life lately -

1. Noah LOVES and I mean LOVES school. His stories are hillarious!
2. I literally had someone pass gas in my face the other day and kept talking as though nothing happened --- yeah that was totally awkward.
3. My birthday is in 2 weeks!
4. My wedding anniversary is this Saturday!
5. Super excited about all the great things happening at work. Focused on recuriting a fabulous group of "superheroes" to help me save the world ;)
6. Headed back to the beach this Fall for some one on one time with the hubby!
7. Miley's favorite things these days are her blankie, paci and baby doll. We can't go anywhere without them.
8. Memphis is in love with the upgrades to his superhero themed room. His fav is the "Incredible Hulk" border that we put up.
9. I pet a pig for the first time last week.
10. Life is good.

Like I said, just a bunch of random thoughts. I'll try to post a more detailed blog soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Noah, the kindergartener

Tuesday marked Noah's first day of kindergarten. He was beyond excited and I was beyond sad. He allowed me to hold his hand to class the first day. He went into his class, put his stuff in his cubby and found his seat with his name on it. I began trying to take pictures of him at which point he told me "okay mama, you can go now." I held it together until I got to my car at which point I broke down into tears and cried for the next two hours (yes I know I'm pathetic). I just couldn't believe that my sweet baby boy was turning into such a big boy.

That night, I asked him about school. He told me he loved it and his favorite part was swinging outside on the swings.

Day 2 rolled around and he told me that again, I could walk him to class only this time he made me walk behind him and when we arrived at the classroom door? He turned and looked at me and said "go to work mama i love you"

Day 3 we were fully prepared for drop off needless to say!

He's loving kindergarten!