Monday, February 27, 2012

Feeling like a slacker!

Okay first let me say I'm psyched to finally have the iphone4. Second I ought to be typing this from my brand new laptop but it's late, im lazy and I'm gonna do it from this phone instead!

So much has been going on lately I feel like I've been slacking with this blog. First off the biopsy was negative - so its check ups and treatments for now. My iron levels are so low I'm having to get iron shots - blah.

Miley's first birthday is Thursday and I'm psyched about her party! And the best part is Johnny will be here with us! Yay he heads home Friday!!!

I've redone our room, the boys room and added some new things to practically every room in the house.

Let's see what else? Oh yeah im moving up in the working world - I've been bumped up into management! Yay me!

I owe all of this to God. When things were at my worst and we had no clue what the future held, we tried to never loose sight of our faith in him and manf have the blessings overflowed lately. I have the best job ever, the greatest friends and family, the sweetest clients, and my husband has been blessed with a great job. We are so fortunate to be where we are today in today's economy and we owe it all to God. We've come a long way since last year and we couldn't be happier!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finally - A moment to sit and relax!

This week has been C-R-A-Z-Y!!!! It started off pretty average and ended up with me going down to Wiggins, MS for a day and then the following day going from Alabama to Mississippi back to Alabama and finally back to Mississippi. The rest of the week has been spent with me trying to redecorate our bedroom, order furniture for the boys room and trying to hang out with my sweet babies as much as possible. Today is the first morning all week that I didn't feel like I was supposed to be doing something, so I thought I'd give an update.

Johnny confirmed Friday that he is for sure staying in Austin until March 1st. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will get to come home then and be here for Smiley's first birthday. Don't get me wrong, we are so grateful for the money he's made and how much this has helped us overcome the worst Summer ever after he faced unemployment last year, but we really miss him!!!!

Speaking of Summer, a vacation is booked for us in Panama City Beach Florida -- come on May!!

I took Miley for a check up the other day, and she weighs 24lbs. I can't remember how long she is but Dr. Reid said she is tall for her age and at a perfect weight. She is taking a few steps here and there and I think it's just a matter of days before she really takes off. Maybe she can hold off till Daddy comes home!

I got a new laptop and new camera yesterday, so you know I'll be posting tons of pictures soon! It's an even better one than the Nikon I had and I hope sooner or later I can get one additional one that's a little better than the one I got so I can really practice, practice, practice and continue to improve on this photography thing. I LOVE LOVE playing with a camera! Always have - always will!

The job is still awesome to me. I just got licensed in Alabama Friday so I'm excited about that. God has blessed us in so many ways here lately. I would be wrong if I didn't stop and take a moment to thank him for it and tell all of you what a great God is truly is.

Anyway, hope everyone has a fantastic week. And I promise at some point to take down the Christmas background off my blog ;)

<3 April

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Smiley Miley is Almost One!

It's hard to believe Smiley is 11 months old and just days away from being one. This time last year I was laid up in Rush Hospital thinking the throwing up, high blood pressure and contractions would never end. I had never been so tired of being in a hospital in my life. 

In a lot of ways, Miley is a miracle baby to me. Considering the 999,000 health issues I've had involving my uterus, ovaries and the complicated pregnancies I've had, it's really amazing she's perfectly healthy.

Before I became pregnant with Miley, I suffered a very short lived pregnancy that ended up in a miscarriage. I still remember going for an ultrasound and seeing that tiny fetus with no heartbeat. It's one of the worst feelings in the world.

Then, within a few months we were pregnant again. I was so hopeful it would be a little girl, but was pretty sure it probably wouldn't be. I still remember that cold October day in Jackson when the Specialist told us it was most definitely a girl. To be sure, we made him and our OB/GYN here in Meridian check every ultrasound following. And well, the day she was born, I asked them one final time if they were sure she was a girl.

Miley is my ray of sunshine. Getting here was a living hell, but I can't imagine life without her. She's always happy, rarely cries and well, it's no question as to why we've nicknamed her "Smiley." She looks like a living baby doll and no matter where we go people have to stop and tell us what a beautiful baby she is.

She's standing, babbling, laughing, waving bye-bye, blowing kisses, playing peek-a-boo and taking a step here and there but we haven't evolved into full on walking yet.

We ordered birthday invitations yesterday and a part of me was sad. Miley is my last baby in the house. It will be sad as they grow older but I will cherish each special moment I've had with them in their baby years forever. 

Her party theme will be a Princess party, and we are keeping our fingers crossed daddy will be home to celebrate with us!