Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just wanted to clear my mind

I haoove a lot of things on my mind, but I'm at a loss as to how to fit them in an order to where they'd actually make sense in this blog.

I guess the thing that bothers me most at the moment is fake people. It seems as though social networks have become a breeding ground for them as well. I mean, do these people honestly think we don't know the real them away from these sites? And what happened to just being you? I don't get why people are trying so hard to put up a front and portray themselves in a way that everyone knows they're not. Why try so hard to impress people? People like you for the real you not the fake "look at me look at me" type you.  It just irritates me to have to sign on everyday and have my news feed cluttered with the BS of a fake person. I guess I should hide their posts, huh?

With that off my chest and completely switching gears to something else, I'm loving the photography thing. More and more people are telling me about how beautiful the pictures were of Miley and how I should really pursue this as a side if not a full-time job. So I bought a few Easter props, and I'm waiting on Miley's specially made Easter outfit and I plan on taking a few more pics of her (and the boys too). I also plan on taking some photography classes when I go back to school this fall. 

Keep watching my blog, it'll get more interesting I promise, and I plan on posting some pics from my photography hobby soon!!

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