Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter has come and gone

So this was Noah's 4th Easter, Memphis' 2nd and Miley's 1st. It was also the first year that Noah fully got the concept of what was going on. He loved every second of it -- from the egg dying, to the egg hunting, to the gifts from his grandparents, to the dressing up for church. 

A couple of weeks ago I had asked Noah what he wanted the Easter bunny to bring him. His response? "Sunglasses and a coloring book."  So we made extra sure that Easter Bunny got just what he wanted. Now he's on a kick of telling everyone how his birthday is coming up and how he wants  BIIIIIGGG skateboard. He also wants a Mickey cake, a "McQueen" game (aka a Cars game for the XBox) balloons and presents. He also wants his friends to come - and by friends he means Memphis and "his Gavin."

Our Easter was pretty traditional. Saturday the boys went with my in-laws where they dyed eggs. That afternoon we had a cookout here with them where we also hunted the eggs. The only bad part was Memphis developed a stomach bug that night.

Sunday morning he woke up and threw up on the floor and continued to have nasty diapers. Needless to say I was disappointed because I hadn't been to church since I had given birth to Miley and I had been excited about finally returning on Easter Sunday, so, I decided I wasn't going to let this stop me and loaded Memphis up on stomach meds which seemed to do the trick.

Off to chruch we went followed by spending the afternoon at Nana's where we again hunted eggs, they got gifts and we spent time with Nana, Pop, Aunt Allyson, Gavin, Harley and Uncle Chris. 

And when we got home.... Memphis threw up again. Now he's running fever and in bed, so we will see what happens -- I can at least say he seemed to enjoy the day regardless of his stomach troubles.

Miley didn't seem too interested in the holiday. She slept about 90% of the day but that's to be expected wtih a 7 week old.

Hope your Easter was fabulous!

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