Friday, April 8, 2011

Babies, Photography and life in general these days

So it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but since I last posted a lot has happened! For starters, Miss Miley Gayle made her appearance on March 1, 2011 after months of battling constant nausea, vomiting and heartburn along with the occasional blood pressure issues, Dr. Purdy decided to put an end to it all at 37 weeks. I had her of course, via c-section, and she was born with a slight issue with her lungs, but today she is perfectly healthy and absolutely beautiful! Everyone tells me she's perfect and looks like a baby doll, and I of course have to agree!

The question I get asked more than anything is, "where did the name Miley Gayle come from?" -- well it's simple (but a bit detailed too) Since I was a little girl playing with baby dolls I knew I always wanted a little girl of my own. As I grew older and my mom came more than just a mom to me and more of my best friend, I really wanted a little girl. Someone I could share the same mother/daughter bond I've shared with my mom. Someone that I could, like my mom, come check her out from school one day just to take her shopping. Or one day in the future go on what we like to call "field trips" with my grandchildren and her. Also, I knew that even though I'm sure Noah and Memphis will always love me and care about me, a daughter is just going to see about you and take care of you in a way different than a son will. I've also noticed already, that there is just something different about having a daughter. With all that being said, I wanted Miley's name to have meaning. I wanted her to know that she was named after 2 women who were strong, independent women. Two women who valued life and knew the meaning of love and family. So who better to name her after than my own mother (Wanda Gayle) and my grandmother (Janice Miles Mosley). Obviously I couldn't name her Miles, so we dropped the "S" added a "Y" and gave her the same middle name as my mom.

So I now have 3 children all under the age of 5, and yes it's a lot of work, but I wouldn't change it for anything. My children are awesome and I love spending time with them. While I will be glad to return to the working world, I will also miss them and their sweet little smiles.

Speaking of working, I've decided to go back to school and finally pursue this LPN thing I've wanted to do for a while. I love my husband to death for supporting me in doing it. It will take about a year, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. While I'm there, I'm gonna take a few photography courses too. Everyone has told me I should look into doing professional photography. I've never thought I was that good at it, but my mom, my in-laws and several friends of mine have told me I take awesome pictures.

It makes since, because there again when I was little I used to love taking pictures with disposable cameras. Right now I'm using a Nikon Cool-Pix camera because something happened to my nice, expensive camera, and I haven't thought the pictures I were taking were all that wonderful, but here again people have gone on and on about the little photoshoot I did with Miley, and my husband has told me that "it doesn't matter what kind of camera you have, a true photographer will have an eye and the creativity to take an awesome picture no matter what they are using."

So maybe he's right. I subscribed to some really awesome photo software last night that I'm excited about and Johnny says he's gonna buy me a nicer camera than I had last go round with professional lenses and all, and I guess now I'll make a few trips to the fabric store for some different back drops and experiment more with this "hidden talent" of mine, and see what happens.

So that's pretty much how my life is going these days. My health does seem to be improving thank God, and I was diagnosed with post-partum depression, but with the "happy drugs" I'm feeling better than ever these days. I love my life, my family and all my awesome friends and things really seem to be looking up these days!

Keep watching my blog, I think I'll start displaying my photography projects on here ;)

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