On to the great news, the doctor checked my incisions out and they all looked good. He took the glue off of them since they were itching like crazy and taped them together so I have to be really careful for the next few weeks, but I do get to return to work Monday as long as I am not doing any heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time and of course be cautious of the incisions. We talked about what he found and out of all the fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and adhesions he told me it was a blessing that there was no cancer found and that the surgery was definitely needed despite how young I am.
This helps me transistion into all the reasons why I am so thankful this year. This has been an eventful year to put it mildly. It started off with me finishing an extremely difficult pregnancy to Miley being in NICU to me having biopsies done with the fear of having cancer to Johnny loosing his job. But you know what, it turned around for the best. I ended up taking on a job I thought I would hate but now couldn't imagine me doing anything else, Johnny landed an awesome job, Miley is healthy, my boys are healthy, and I am cancer free.
I am so grateful for all the things God has blessed me with. Words can't express how much I value my sweet l family and how thankful I am for the ones who supported us when Johnny lost his job. The ones who made sure we had food,who bought diapers, who were there when we just needed a shoulder to cry on, who kept us encouraged and told us not to loose faith. I am thankful God helped Johnny find a new job that has turned out to be so much better than his old one and that we actually get to spend time with him now because he has days off and still earns more than he did before. Thankful for my job, a job I took on thinking I would absolutely hate, that has turned out to be a blessing in itself. Thankful for my sweet co-workers who kept me motivated and encouraged me during a time when Johnny and I didn't know what the future held for us and still keep me encouraged today. Thankful for all the new friends I have made this year -some of you have become my second family. Thankful for Miss Smiley Miley - it was a rough ride getting her here but we made it and I couldn't ask for a sweeter more beautiful baby girl and for my boys who shower me with kisses and hugs at the end of a long day. Thankful for my health, for my home, and for all the luxuries in life God has blessed me with. I have learned this year to not take one single thing for granted because you can loose it in an instant.
It has been a long ride for us, but I am thankful we survived the roughest parts and I know that we will be just fine.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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