So I've spent this past week being sick. It started off with me thinking it was extreme morning sickness, only that was odd since I'm 21 weeks pregnant and have had very little morning sickness up to this point but when the Zofran failed to work, I went to see my doc anyway. He too assumed it must be morning sickness and figured I had built up an immunity to morning sickness and switched me back over to phenogran. This didn't work either, and after 2 additonal visits to my doc, he admitted me to the hospital and hooked me up to an IV and began running tests.
In the middle of all this testing, he came in at one point and asked me if I had experienced any heartburn during this pregnancy. Well, of course I had, but I assumed that was just part of being pregnant -- would you believe it's actually not a good thing if you are having it frequently?! Turns out my 5 to 6 times a day of heartburn was what as making me so sick. In fact, he thinks I probably have a heital hernia that I never even knew I had and was just made worse by pregnancy --- so after 3 days in the hospital and almost 5 of being sick I was sent home with heartburn meds, a new script for Zofran (the dissolvable kind) and feeling much better. The only other thing that was discovered during my stay is that I'm anemic.
I'm feeling a lot better now but I have to stay on a more bland diet until Miley's arrival to keep me from getting so sick.
The one bonus in having problems and having to go to the hospital (not that I was happy about all the additonal problems) is I got more ultrasounds and more pictures of Miley.
So now, I'm focused on finishing Christmas shopping, possibly putting my tree up next week and working on Miss Miley's room!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Car Shopping
One of my favorite things to do late at night is go to car lots and car shop. That way, you don't have to deal with annoying salespeople and it gives you a chance to really take time and check all the vehicles out.
We are currently in the process of finding the perfect vehicle for us. I've had my Mustang since I graduated from Mississippi State in 2006, and 1 husband and 2 (almost 3 kids) later, I think it's time I got a more grown up vehicle.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mustang and have had a ton of great memories in it (bar hopping with college friends, trips to the casino, driving to fla in it after getting married and having the GPS go haywire on us, the birth of both my children, and the list goes on) and I don't regret buying it one bit. It was one of many dreams I have had that I accomplished. Needless to say though I've definitely outgrown it with my constant growing family.
I have fell in love with 3 different Tahoes. My fav and the one I'm getting my husband to check into today has leather seats, a navigation system and a DVD player (which of course is perfect for a mom with 2 small kids and another on the way!). I also fell in love with a black Landrover, but with all the problems my mother has had with her and the cost of repairs on one, I'm not sure if it's worth the buy.
We had a great night last night car shopping, and my children especially enjoyed running around the parking lots looking at all the cars. I'm super excited and can't wait till we finally bring one of these vehicles home!!!!!
We are currently in the process of finding the perfect vehicle for us. I've had my Mustang since I graduated from Mississippi State in 2006, and 1 husband and 2 (almost 3 kids) later, I think it's time I got a more grown up vehicle.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mustang and have had a ton of great memories in it (bar hopping with college friends, trips to the casino, driving to fla in it after getting married and having the GPS go haywire on us, the birth of both my children, and the list goes on) and I don't regret buying it one bit. It was one of many dreams I have had that I accomplished. Needless to say though I've definitely outgrown it with my constant growing family.
I have fell in love with 3 different Tahoes. My fav and the one I'm getting my husband to check into today has leather seats, a navigation system and a DVD player (which of course is perfect for a mom with 2 small kids and another on the way!). I also fell in love with a black Landrover, but with all the problems my mother has had with her and the cost of repairs on one, I'm not sure if it's worth the buy.
We had a great night last night car shopping, and my children especially enjoyed running around the parking lots looking at all the cars. I'm super excited and can't wait till we finally bring one of these vehicles home!!!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Memphis Grey
When Memphis was born, I have to admit, I was terrified he wouldn't make it out of that hospital alive. He was born via c-section on March 19, 2009 @ 9:22 PM - this was after me being in "induced" labor for 24 hours. After being in labor for that long, having had my water broke, and me still not dilated past 2.5 cm, the doctor decided it was best to go ahead and take him.
Of course, when he was first born, I was so drugged up it never phased me that his feet were as black as a Crayola crayon. It never phased me either how quickly they rushed out of the OR either. In fact, it wasn't until about 5 hours later that night when I still had no baby in my arms that I begin to realize that something wasn't right.
At around midnight that night, a nurse practicioner came in and informed me that Memphis was currently under an oxygen box, and that not only was he born with wet lungs, but he was severely malnourished form his cord being coiled as tightly as a telephone cord. Still, she seemed positive and made me believe within a couple of hours, I would be holding a baby.
A couple of hours later, a doctor walks in, but no baby is with him. It was at this point I was made aware of how serious this situation was. I was told at this point Memphis was on a ventilator and would remain there until he could breathe on his own. To me, anyone I had ever known that was on a ventilator never made it out of the hospital alive. My whole world came crashing down, and what made it worse was I had only seen - not even held my baby for a whole 5 seconds.
It was at that point, I became determined - I overlooked the pain from my section and stayed focused on him. I was in that NICU every second I got. Talking to him, praying for him, rubbing his tiny back with my fingers, and at 2 weeks, I finally got to hold him and rock him and by that Friday, he was able to come home with me.
Today, Memphis is perfectly healthy, and a sweet little boy. He LOVES to dance, and will come running out of any room and into the room where the music is going. He has a head full of curly hair, will eat anything you put infront of him, and has a smile that will truly melt your heart. He has become my cuddle buddy, and amazes me at how content he can be with just sitting by me on the couch and watching TV with me. His biggest thing now is giving me kisses. I love watching him outside discovering the world, playing in the grass, petting the animals, and hugging his best buddy, Noah, his older brother.
I thank God everyday for him. He is truly a miracle baby and has made my life even better by being in it.
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